Green Roads top CBD products now available at Pars Market in Columbia Maryland 21045

Why is Green Roads listed on every Top 10 CBD oil list?
It simple, their Cannabidiol (CBD) Process is top-notch. First of all, they use European Certified Organic Hemp that is cultivated to the highest standards. Second, their extraction process is state of the art. We’ve actually never seen a company that knows how to extract so much goodness from one plant. Green Roads is known for producing Full Spectrum CBB, which basically means that you are getting 99% pure CBD that combines CBD, CBG, CBN and Terpenes.
Their 350mg is literally the best product we’ve ever tested, and after using a third party lab with a few testers, we noticed that particpants felt an almost instantaneous positive effect.
While Green Roads claim that their products are perfect for anxiety and pain, CBD oil is known to help a wide range of ailments including, pain and inflammation, insomnia, diabetes, arthritis, spasm, stress relief and more…

Green Roads Highlights

If you are thinking of trying their products then there are a few things you need to know beforehand.
  1. Their prices aren’t the cheapest on the market, but then again they are much lower than other competitors. Prices range from $64 for the standard 350mg and up, but it depends on the potency and product of choice.
  2. If there is one thing that we’ve noticed about Green Roads is their customer service. Not only do they deliver to all 50 states but also provide customer service through their website, Facebook page, and telephone support.
  3. They team at Green Roads don’t mess around. All products are 3rd party lab tested and none of the products contain THC. All their CBD oils are produced using a pharmaceutical-grade 99% pure cannabidiol (CBD).

CDB Oil In Pars Market 9400 Snowden River Parkway Columbia MD 21045
CDB Oil In Pars Market Columbia

This CBD oil producer really does stand out from the rest, and if you thinking of giving CBD oil a try then Green Roads is definitely a good place to start. They’ve managed to create a product using the highest quality grade cannabidiol ingredients that contain both the pure 99% CBD concentrated isolate with the full spectrum cannabidiol that is rich in all the beneficial ingredients of the plant.

Note: Must be 18 or older to purchase this product

Pars Market LLC

9400 Snowden River Parkway
Columbia, MD 21045


Business Hours:
Open Daily: 10am-9pm
