Dried Lime / Lemon Omani at Pars Market

Indeed, Omani lemons are not lemons at all!  They are dried limes and also go by the names black lime, loomi, amani and noomi basra (to name a few).

Omani lemons are originated in Oman and used in cooking throughout the Middle East and even North India
Sadaf Lemon Omani Whole in Family Pack at Pars Market
  The dried limes usually measures between 1 inch and 1.5 inches (2.54 to 3.81 cm). Their outer skin is marked by dark-colored vertical stripes, and the fruit inside turns from green into a mushy texture that is shiny and black. The best flavor is often found in brown or tan dried limes, while the black ones have a more intense flavor. Proper storage requires protecting the limes from humidity to prevent the development of mold. Black limes should be discarded if mold develops, but with proper storage they have been known to last for two years in a pantry. 

Omani limes are boiled in salt water and then dried in the sun.
Sadaf Crushed Lemon Omani at Pars Market
Omani lemons are originated in Oman and used in cooking throughout the Middle East and even North India. Typically, (fresh) Omani limes are boiled in salt water and then dried in the sun.  This preservation process turns them anywhere from a light tan to black in color and hollow in the center.  Their flavor is tart, more like the peel than the juice, without any sweetness, and they also have an indescribable muskiness.  They are fantastic as a souring agent in place of lemon juice in a sauce. 

Indeed, Omani lemons are not lemons at all!  They are dried limes and also go by the names black lime, loomi, amani and noomi basra (to name a few).
Sadaf Ground Lemon Omani at Pars Market
  To use them, you can poke a small hole in one or two and throw them into whatever slow-cooking pot is at hand.  They can also be crushed or even powdered, and they are sold Whole, Crushed or Powdered at Pars Market in Columbia Maryland.

 The dried limes usually measures between 1 inch and 1.5 inches (2.54 to 3.81 cm). Their outer skin is marked by dark-colored vertical stripes,
Golchin Dried Lemon Omani at Pars Market

Scientific Names

Citrus aurantifoliaFamily: Rutaceae (citrus family).





